Linked List#

In this chapter, we’ll learn about linked lists - a unique and dynamic data structure that challenges our understanding of sequential data.

Unlike arrays, linked lists do not impose a fixed size or continuous memory block. Rather, they consist of nodes that contain data and a reference to the next node. This seemingly simple concept unlocks a wealth of possibilities, from creating efficient insertions and deletions to creatively solving problems that may seem specifically designed for linked list manipulation.

Our exploration of linked lists will encompass a variety of variations and intricacies, including singly-linked lists. By delving into these lists, you’ll discover how they empower us to tackle problems that may initially appear complicated.

What this chapter covers:

  1. Introduction to Linked Lists: Gain a comprehensive understanding of linked lists, their advantages, and their role in problem-solving.

  2. Singly Linked Lists: Explore the mechanics of singly linked lists, mastering the art of traversal, insertion, and deletion.

  3. Advanced Linked List Concepts: Learn about sentinel nodes, dummy nodes, and techniques to handle common challenges like detecting cycles and reversing lists.

  4. Problem-Solving Strategies: Develop strategies to approach linked list problems systematically, including strategies for merging lists, detecting intersections, and more.