
In this section, we’ll explore the stack data structure, which is a useful tool for managing data in a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) way. We’ll investigate the basics of stacks and examine how they work using C++’s std::stack` and std::vector from the Standard Template Library (STL).

Stacks in programming are like a stack of books where you add and remove books from the top. They provide a structured way to manage data, making them ideal for handling temporary information, tracking function calls, and solving various algorithmic challenges.

What this chapter covers:

  1. Introduction to Stacks: Begin by understanding the core principles of stacks, their fundamental operations, and their real-world applications.

  2. Leveraging `std::stack`: Dive into the powerful std::stack container provided by the STL, mastering its usage and versatility for stack-based operations.

  3. Exploring `std::vector`: Discover the capabilities of std::vector in context with stacks, exploiting its dynamic array nature to create flexible stack structures.

  4. Stack Operations: Explore operations such as push and pop, understanding their impact on the stack’s state and memory usage.

  5. Balancing Parentheses: Tackle the classic problem of parentheses balancing using stacks, a prime example of their utility in parsing and validation.

As you progress through this chapter, you’ll not only learn about the importance of stacks but also discover how std::stack and std::vector can help you solve problems more efficiently. By the end of the chapter, you’ll have a thorough understanding of the stack data structure’s Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle and how you can leverage std::stack and std::vector to manage data effectively. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey through stacks and uncover their potential for simplifying complex operations and algorithmic problems!