
This chapter will explore the basics of arrays - collections of elements organized in a sequence. While they may seem simple, you can learn many concepts and techniques from arrays to improve your coding skills. We’ll cover topics like indexing, iteration, and manipulation, as well as dynamic arrays (std::vector) and time/space complexity.

Along the way, we’ll tackle challenging problems like searching, sorting, and subarray problems, using a structured approach to break down complex tasks into manageable steps.

What this chapter covers:

  1. Fundamentals of Arrays: Gain a solid understanding of arrays, their properties, and how to access and manipulate elements efficiently.

  2. Array Operations: Learn essential array operations like insertion, deletion, and updating elements, and understand their trade-offs.

  3. Dynamic Arrays: Explore dynamic arrays, their advantages over static arrays, and the mechanics of resizing.

  4. Time and Space Complexity: Grasp the importance of analyzing the efficiency of algorithms and how to evaluate the time and space complexity of array-related operations.

  5. Common Array Algorithms: Discover classic algorithms such as searching, sorting, and various techniques for tackling subarray problems.

  6. Problem-Solving Strategies: Develop systematic strategies to approach array-related challenges, including how to break down problems, devise algorithms, and validate solutions.